Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pino Soft Light

Pino Soft LightPino Long DayPino Desire
fetched some water and cleaned her fur as best he could.
What he did next would have surprised, say, a troll or a dwarf or anyone who didn't know about the human mind's reaction to , see his face in it.
He heard, far off, Fondel's 'Wedding March' scored for Monstrous Organ with Miscellaneous Farmyard Noises accompaniment. He fished out a half bottle of rum from what Sergeant Colon thought was his secure hiding place, poured himself a very small amount, and drank a toast to the sound, saying, 'Here's to Mr Vimes and Lady Ramkin!' in a clear, sincere voice which would have severely embarrassed anyone who had heard it.
There was a scratching at the door. He let Gaspode in. The little dog slunk under the tablestressful circumstances.He wrote his report. He swept the main room's floor; there was a rota, and it was his turn. He had a wash. He changed his shirt, and dressed the wound on his shoulder, and cleaned his armour, rubbing with wire wool and a graded series of cloths until he could, once again

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