Thursday, April 9, 2009

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna with Flower

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna with FlowerLeonardo da Vinci Leda 1508Thomas Kinkade The Light of Peace
turned to Spelter. So did the staff. The filigree carvings were regarding him coldly. One of them, near the top of the staff, looked unpleasantly like an eye­brow.
'You're very quiet, Spelter. Do you not agree?'
No. The world had sourcery once, and gave it up for wizardry. Wizardry is magic for men, not gods. It's not for us. There .
'Next week,' Coin repeated. 'If I say the moon will be full, there will be no argument.' He continued to stare down at the model buildings of the University, and then pointed.
'What's that?'
Carding craned.was something wrong with it, and we have forgotten what it was. I liked wizardry. It didn't upset the world. It fitted. It was right. A wizard was all I wanted to be.He looked down at his feet.'Yes,' he whispered.'Good,' said Coin, in a satisfied tone of voice. He strolled to the edge of the tower and looked down at the street map of Ankh-Morpork far below. The Tower of Art came barely a tenth of the way towards them.'I believe,' he said, 'I believe that we will hold the cere­mony next week, at full moon.''Er. It won't be full moon for three weeks,' said Card­ing
'Er. The Library. Yes. It's the Library. Er.'

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