Sunday, April 26, 2009

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse Ophelia

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse OpheliaLeonardo da Vinci Portrait of Ginevra BenciLeonardo da Vinci The Madonna of the CarnationLeonardo da Vinci da Vinci Self Portrait
'Well?' said one of them. 'I think I've seen him walking around the city. So? He's just a watchman, Edward.'
'Of course. It is essential that he should be. A humble station in life. It all fits the classic p-attern.' Edward d'Eath gave a signal. There was a click as another glass slide was slotted in. 'This one was not p-ainted from life. King P-paragore. Taken 'Yes, Mr Edward.'
'And this is a rather good – well done, Bl-enkin – image of the bust of Queen Coanna.'
'Thank you, Mr Edward.'from an old p-ainting. This one' – click! - 'is King Veltrick III. From another p-portrait. This one is Queen Alguinna IV . . . note the line of the chin? This one' – click! —'is a sevenpenny p-iece from the reign of Webblethorpe the Unconscious, note again the detail of the chin and general b-bone structure, and this' – click! - 'is. . .an upside d-own picture of a vase of flowers. D-elphiniums, I believe. Why is this?''Er, sorry, Mr Edward, I 'ad a few glass plates left and the demons weren't tired and—''Next slide, please. And then you may leave us.''Yes, Mr Edward.''Report to the d-uty torturer.'

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